The “Baggage Handling” working group is a dynamic and targeted initiative that deals with the ideal “Baggage Handling System”.
Our goal is to create a platform for the intensive exchange of ideas, expertise and resources in order to develop an approach for the baggage handling industry.
The aim is to provide recommendations for action on the key question “What will the baggage handling system look like in 2050 and what influence does the shortage of personnel and skilled workers have?” Not to be forgotten is the inclusion of the status quo and how to optimize existing installations.
We bring together professionals from various fields, including baggage handling experts, environmentalists, engineers, researchers and business leaders. This diversity of perspectives allows us to develop holistic approaches to address the complex challenges in baggage handling systems.
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co KG, Marcel Grunenberg (Business Development Manager)
PSI Logistics GmbH, André Beck (Senior Project Manager)
Next Meeting:
Baggage Handling Systems
How to optimize all components to create an enviromentally friendly, less efficiency consumingbaggage handling solution for the airport industry
Shortage of personnel and skilled workers
How to optimize processes to load or unload baggage and how to optimize processes in regards of the usage of robotic automation?