DutyFreak GmbH

“DutyFreak helps Travelers and Airport-Stores to get together at one place, in DutyFreak App!” Travelers explore available offers, to buy even before arriving at the airport. All this at one place in DutyFreak Marketplace App. Airport Stores in Food, Fashion & more improves many areas of the journey. 1. visibility and reach of the Store & Products 2. Travelers experience to all of them like Departure, Transit & Arrival 3. Revenue with pre-order in addition to impulse purchases offline only These are only three. No high budgets & long eCom-Projects are needed. Just Onboarding at DutyFreak-Marketplace. So #Airport #Stores & #Travelers find easy together in ONE place to explore the available Products, Offers, and some more without the hustle BEFORE arriving at the Airport at all. Explore, buy, Pickup! Curious? We're happy to get your feedback on Airport.Store@DutyFreak.de or schedule a call at http://meet.dutyfreak.de/

DutyFreak GmbH

Bayrische Straße 8
01069 Dresden

Fields of activity: Consulting, IT